
April 8, 2010 at 11:53 pm (Uncategorized)

I don’t own a television; however, I was visiting a friend today and on the television was Michael Moore’s New Movie:

    CAPATALISM: A Love Story

. I had heard all this before but to see and hear it put
all together in visual and auditory media was simply overwhelming. After the documentary, I was angry, sad, frustrated and dumbfounded. How could we let the one percent steal our Country from us in the other 99%?

Why are the Money Lenders being put in government positions to monitor the lending industry? Why are big business cutting jobs and demanding increased production when they were making record profits? How can employers take out Dead Peasant policies on their employees and than actually consider that as part of their profit scheme and complaint that the projected income from employees death is only 50 or75 percent? Why does an Airline Pilot have to be on food stamps and/or take odd jobs just to pay his or her bills? And, I have been asking this since Ronald Regan was elected: how does a B-movie star and corporate spokesman get elected president? I am not a fan of any of the presidents after the first four or five presidents of The United States of America (I am not including any of the presidents before Washington.). But, I think Jimmy Carter is and was a good and decent man. I hope President Obama keeps his words to the American People.

I am just an average American Muslim. I am not a political analyst, and economic theorist, or a movie critic. I just like when someone with a more influential voice than mine ask why is a 14 year old girl put in a privately run detention center for posting on a social network about her assistant principle in Wilkes Barre, PA? Of because the judges are now in prison themselves for taking millions from the private company that runs the juvenile detention center. I liked that Michael Moore asked the oversight committee on the bail out why CEOs were getting giant bonuses when they were claiming that they were on the verse of an economic collapse. I like it when the question was asked if free enterprise means you either succeed or fail on your own merits than why did the Lending Industry fail and then were bailed out. Early in the documentary it was explained that in the fifties and sixties the rich were paying 90% of their income out in taxes and were still able to enjoy living the rich life and now they pay less than half of that amount.

I expect the people of the country that has a government of the people, by the people, and for the people will eventually demand that their representatives represent them instead of the !%.

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